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    She Cuckolds Me
    I am forced by my love to find men online to please her. - Wimp Hubby

    Wednesday, March 27, 2013

    She Stayed Out All Night


    The last story on this blog inspired me to write my own about my amazing and sexy wife. Through the course of her work, my wife had to see a salesman who was in town only for the day. As it turned out, she couldn't get time during the day so he arranged to meet her after work, and bought her dinner as it was so late.

    Nothing too unusual about this, as it had happened on several occasions prior. This guy knew she was married, so he was not going to hit on her, it was just a professional meeting. Well my wife has "permission" to play if she feels like it (although she had only once taken up the offer previously), and this night she was quite charmed by the salesman. She Said he was very good looking, a gentleman, and had a cheeky ... READ THE REST HERE


    Sunday, March 24, 2013

    Sex for Her Career


    My wife works as a mortgage lender for a fairly large bank. She depends on realtors to refer people to her that are buying a house so that she can handle the financing for them. She makes really nice commissions but the competition is keen. To make a very long story short, one of the larger realtors is very attracted to my wife. She's in her mid 30's, dresses nice, and most say she has a cute face and body. You can decide that for yourself with these pictures I've sent in.

    This realtor basically told her he would refer all his clients to her if she would "be nice to him". All this developed slowly over a couple of years. She and I discussed it and she decided to give it a try. Their "arrangement" has been now going about two years. She sees him once a week when they ... READ THE REST HERE


    Wednesday, March 19, 2013

    Caught My Wife on Video


    Great blog! My wife and I enjoy it together and read some of the stories while we are in bed. About 6 months ago we finished some renovations on a house we bought about a year ago. We almost gutted the whole thing and rebuilt from scratch. My wife and I used to like to play around with cameras sometimes when we were having a good time in the bedroom but due to angles and lighting the films always seemed to be somewhat less than perfect.

    While the construction was in the framing stage, as a little present to her I hired a guy that worked for a video/sound business to design and install a system in our bedroom and den that would by his description, catch two flies fucking in a corner in an electrical outage. And he did his job masterfully. I was going to surprise ... READ THE REST HERE


    Sunday, March 17, 2013

    Cuckolded on Halloween


    This happened last October on Halloween night. My husband Jerry arranged a trick or treat for me. I had no idea what he was up to and had the candy laid out by the front door for the neighborhood kids when the doorbell rang a minute or two before six when the trick or treating was to have started.

    What a surprise ! There at my front door was Dan the guy we had met at a local club a week or two ago - nothing had happened but when we did meet him he was with his wife and he and I flirted heavily without anyone minding. At the end of that night we exchanged numbers for a get together for the 4 of us. So now I am standing at the door and he says, "Trick or Treat", and stepped inside to give me big hug. 'Where is your wife Lynn?' I asked and he looked shocked and wanted to know if Jerry didn't fill me in on the evening. 'No, he didn't tell me anything,' and then I looked over at Jerry who had a big smile on ... READ THE REST HERE


    Wednesday, March 13, 2013

    Pussy Whipped Husband Humiliated


    There is an adventure that really stands out in my memory involving three of us (me, wife and a male freind) going to a sporting event together. My wife had obtained a free night in a hotel and we decided to take advantage of using it after the sporting event. We hadn't discussed plans for our friend to join us at the hotel, but I thought it might be a possibility.

    We checked in to the hotel and got our key and briefly checked out the room. We went to our friend's house to drop off our children (his wife was going to baby sit) and picked him up. He rode in the front seat of the car with me while she sat in the back seat, chatting like old friends ... READ THE REST HERE


    Sunday, March 10, 2013

    Lactating Wife Cuckolds Husband


    Just before my husband Willy and I moved to our present house, we were vacationing in Hawaii with my sister and her husband Randy. I had gone topless on beaches on the Mediterranean and in Hawaii before, so I did the same this time on a remote beach in Hawaii. It was the first time Randy had seen me topless, and it was probably the best possible time, from a guy's point of view! I was still lactating shortly after weaning our second child, so my breasts were full, hanging and jiggling like a bowlful of jelly.

    My husband enjoyed watching me show them off, and for me it felt much better not to have them bound up in a tight swimsuit top. We had flirted and teased before ... READ THE REST HERE


    Wednesday, March 06, 2013

    My Husband Let's Me Date


    I'm writing this out at the request of my husband who's been so supportive of my new found dating 'activities'. This happened about two years ago and was with - for the purposes of this story, I'll call him..hhmm.."Kevin". First an introduction...

    I met Kevin over the internet - yes, the INTERNET. *chuckle* He and both happened into the same dating chat room one night and hit it off almost instantly. Our public chats were always lively and fun and our private chats were always steamy and sexy, usually culminating in an erotic phone call to *ahem* "finish up". He became one of my closest online friends and, although he lived several hundred ... READ THE REST HERE


    Sunday, March 03, 2013

    My Wife Striiping for Cash


    About 2 years ago my wife of 2 years and I ran into some serious financial trouble. I was laid off from my electrical apprentice job in the city. My wife Lisa is a dynamite (that turns heads from a mile away) and was working as a dental assistant and taking classes at night to be a hygenist. We just purchased a home and were stuck w/ a killer mortgage. We overbought what we could afford figuring our saleries would only increase and payments would be more easy a few years down the road. Also got a new car and did a ton of work to the home all on credit.

    Now w/ income of only 1/3 of our total when I was working we were in trouble. Lisa said until I get called back she would go back to stripping again like she did before ... READ THE REST HERE


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