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Therapist Wife


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I am a therapist in the Dallas area. As a professional I would have to tell you that this is deviant sexual behavior. As a woman that lives this life style I would have to tell you it is the greatest. I have been married to the same man since high school. We married when I was 19. Up until I turned 32 (which is recent) he was the only man I had been with. After about 3 years things got a little stale and we started to watch porn. Well you know how guys never eat pussy and these women went crazy just sucking cock and getting pounded, yea right. I had been married long enough to know that fucking felt good but if you wnated to make a woman cum like crazy you better be eating her, cause a dick in the pussy alone just wasn't going to do it. Well he started talking about how wet I got watching the ones with big dicks and the ones 2 men doing 1 woman. So he started talking about getting another man to join us.

I did not know what to do so I started to talk to some of the girls I knew. Most of them told me real quick that he just wanted get some on the side. Then one of my "married" friends told me that if I had never cum on a cock I did not know what I was missing. She said if I wanted to try it she would set it up. Her "boyfriend" Cam, and my husband would think it was all his idea. So I ask my husband if he was sure and how would we find some one. He said we could start by going to a bar that Friday and see what happens. So I called my friend and she said just let her know which bar we were at and the trap was set.

That Friday we went out I was dressed in a low cut outfit showing some good cleavage. As so as we arrived I excused myself to go to the ladies room and let her know where we were at. About 30 minutes later this guy walked in, kinda waved our way and went to the bar. Being as I had never done this I did not know what to do, was he expecting me to come to the bar or was he going to approach us? The band had started playing right before he got there and I had danced a couple of dances with my husband. After the second dance my husband went to the bar to get us another drink and while he was waiting the guy started to talk with him.

They had looked my way so I knew I was part of the conversation. When my husband got back I asked what they were talking about. He said the guy had told him that he had a pretty wife and was wondering if he could have a few dances with me, and he said he had to ask me first. I said I guess so. He waved at the guy and he came over and said his name was Cam and asked to dance. The first dance was just that, a dance and back to the table and Cam went back to the bar. In a little while Cam brought us over drinks and asked to dance again the first one was a fast dance followed by a slow one. Cam held me close and whispered in my ear and asked me if I was sure I wanted to do this. When I said yes, he said be sure what I wanted cause I might never want things the way they were before again. I just laughed and said you sure are sure of yourself.

Cam said right now your husband thinks it would be cool to watch you get fucked but, before the night is over your pussy will belong to me and men like me, and you will do anything I ask to get my cock inside you. I just laughed and said, yea right. We went back to the table to drink and talked a little more then Cam asked to dance again. While we were dancing Cam asked me if I had thought about what he had said and was I sure I wanted to go through with it. I was so hot all I could think about was my husband watching me so I said sure. Cam said when we return to the table go to the ladies room. I did as he said when I returned Cam got up and went to the men's room, as soon as Cam was gone my husband said he might be the one we needed.

He said Cam appoligized and said he had to leave because I turned him on and he did not want to do anything embarrassing. Jon said he asked Cam to have one more drink first. Jon said when Cam got back he would go to the mens room and if I wanted to do this ask Cam if he would like to go some place more private with us. So when Cam got back Jon left. I told him I guess it is time to go have some fun now. Cam said remember what I said earlier this will be your last chance to back out and wanted to know if I was sure. Well I did not answer. As soon as Jon got back I said it looks like we are ready to leave and asked Cam if he was going with us. Cam said sure he never thought he would meet a couple like us.

We went to a small hotel down the road and once in the room Cam asked Jon if he was sure he really wanted this, cause he was going to fuck me like I had never been fucked before. Jon just shook his head yes. Then Cam said this can be like pandoras box once the lid is open it my never go back the way it was before and asked again are you sure. Again Jon just shook his head yes. Cam then asked me if it was OK to kiss me and I said sure. We started making out for a while then Cam stopped and told me to strip for him and my husband. I slowly stripped for them giving them a show. Jon was smilling from ear to ear. After I was finished Cam told me to go strip my husband. I went to Jon and kissed him as I stripped him. Once he was naked I went to Cam to strip him and he said not just yet.

Cam said he wanted to tie Jon in the chair so he could not touch himself till he was finished with me. Jon protested but I whined a please and he sat in the chair. Cam used my stockings to tie Jon to the chair then Cam told Jon he was about to use his cock to make me his fuck slut and soon I would do what ever he said just to have his cock. Cam then told Jon this was his last chance to be very sure what he wanted. Cam then told me to ask Jon if he wanted to his wife get fucked. Jon said yes he did. Cam then stuck my panties in Jon's mouth and tied them in place. Cam then turned his back to Jon and told me to strip him. When I got to Cam's boxers I almost had a heart attack. He was still soft and much bigger than Jon's and thicker also. He grabbed my head and said on your knees and suck.

Cam pulled his cock from my mouth and suddenly I was scared he wasn't big ... he was huge. Cam told me to get on the bed. I handed him the condom and he started to put it down, so I told him no condom no fuck. Cam put the condom on and said for now and climbed between my legs. I thought to myself his cock is 8 inches long and as thick as can be, how could I ever handle this. Then I felt the head pushing aginst my opening. It slowly started to stretch me open and began to hurt. Then he pulled back and started to push again, this time a little more went in and he pulled back again, then he pushed again and I felt a little pain as the head slipped all the way in. He pulled out again and then pushed in harder this time and as the head stretched me open I started to cum.

OH GOD I never felt like this before I was moaning and screaming and he started to fuck more and more into me. As soon as one orgasm ended another one started. Cam was fucking me slowly with about half of his cock then he looked at Jon and said I warned you about what you wished for, and with that he shoved all his cock in me to the balls and started to fuck hard and fast. Then it was like there was another woman there, one from the movies and she was screaming, fuck me, fuck me, oh god just keep fucking me. Then it happened ... I came, no cumming does not explain it. It was like my whole body exploded. I felt like I was blacking out and he pulled out of me and pulled the condom off. I was obsessed, I wanted his cock, I needed his cock and I wanted to be the best cocksucker he had. Cam looked at Jon and said I told you she would be my slut and would do what ever I said. Cam said it's time to finish this fucking and pushed me on my back.

He crawled between my legs and and rubbed the head against the opening and said if you want it you get it like this. I said yes I want it. Cam continued to rub the opening and then told me to look at my husband and to beg for his cock. I looked at my husband and that other woman was back again I could hear her beg "please fuck me with that big cock, I need your cock in me, please fuck me". I was staring in my husband's eyes and begged 'yes' fuck me, fuck me with your big cock, and with that he shoved half that pole in me on the first thrust and was soon balls deep and pounding me good and I was cumming like crazy.

Cam just kept fucking and fucking and I could feel the big one building again. Then I heard Cam say if you want my cum beg for it. And beg I did. I looked my husband in the eyes and begged please cum in me. Cam drove his cock in as deep as it would go and began to cum and the big one took me and I came like before. After a few minutes Cam kissed me and got up went over to Jon and let him loose.

Cam had got dressed and was getting ready to leave, he turned to Jon and handed him a piece of paper and pen and we exchanged phone numbers. Cam kissed me and said I will be over again for some more at one point when you two are ready for more.

I have three full time lovers right now that are all well endowed who I found online. Jon gets to watch me cum all over their cocks and loves it. He must eat me to satisfaction every day though. This is when I "make love" to my husband as I "fuck" other men. Like I said, as a therapist I can't recommend this lifestyle but as a woman I highly highly recommend that all wives do this.

Included here are pictures of me and of me with 2 of my lover's beautiful and FULL cocks. Delightful.

- Therapist Wife






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