My Girlfriend at the Adult Store



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Hey. Long time fan of the blog. I recently had a super kinky experience with my girlfriend and I wanted to write in about it.

So I'm white and my girlfriend is half white / half mexican. Her name is Maria. She's short with a curvy body and cute face. She's a bit of a tomboy and has male friends almost exclusively. We live together in a rather crappy apartment across the street from a strip mall. We have a neighbor named Javier. Javier is Mexican. He's a bit of a jerk to me but he's nice to Maria. He's also close to our age.

Everybody else in our apartment complex is older or has families. And during the quarantine when we were not going out much and seeing people, Javier was the only person we'd see regularly. He'd occasionally invite us over to his apartment for drinks or to a football game. These were never my favorite experiences but Maria enjoyed them. She was getting a bit antsy spending all her time in the apartment and would take any excuse to even go just down the hallway and back. Javier definitely had some ulterior motives though and definitely took every opportunity to pay her complements and flirt with her.

During the quarantine, most of the shops in the strip mall across from our apartment went out of business. One shop in particular was an adult store. We had never been in it but it had a bunch of lights and signs so it was kind of unavoidable when you drove past. After it shut down, Javier's uncle bought it and was planning to make it into a restaurant. However, he had trouble pulling all the money together to do the retrofit. After a few months, Javier convinced his uncle to let him take over the adult store and run it so they could make a bit of money on the side until they were ready to do the retrofit. Quarantine restrictions were easing up at this time and people could come back into stores again.

After getting the keys, Javier invited us to come over and see the store. We walked across the street with him and then he showed us inside. The front area had a bunch of shelves that were scattered with porn DVDs and toys. We walked through and I suppose it was nice enough for an adult store. Javier then took us into the back area and there were a series of five booths all in a row. Neither Maria or I knew what these were but Javier then opened one to show us. It had a chair in front of a TV screen and you could put money into a machine to get the TV to play porn videos. He put a dollar bill in and the TV instantly lit up with an interracial porn video. Both Maria and I were surprised and curious. Javier said this is where most adult stores made their money. He showed us around a bit more before we said goodbye and left.

A couple weeks later Javier had the grand opening. It was a bit of a let down though. Only a dozen or so guys came in over the first couple days. We came over one night to congratulate Javier when there were randomly a couple other customers. They were both scanning through the porn DVDs on the shelves. We talked for five minutes or so before leaving to go to dinner. The next morning, we ran into Javier while we were leaving our apartment to go get groceries.

He thanked us for stopping by and said that the other two customers were excited to see a pretty girl in the store. In order to drive up some more business, he admitted that he told the customers that Maria came in often and they should keep coming too if they wanted to see her. I was a little offended but Maria didn't seem to have much of a problem with it. Javier apologized nevertheless and made Maria an offer. He said he would pay her $20 to just come into the store, walk around, go into a booth, stay for a half hour, and then leave. And he suggested it would be good if she could do it a few times a week at a regular time so other customers could predict when she'd be there. I tried to push back but Javier brushed me off and told Maria that all she had to do was sit in a booth for half an hour and she'd be making over a couple hundred bucks a month. Eventually Maria agreed on the condition that I come too just to make sure she was safe.

Maria and Javier agreed for her to come into the store at 10pm on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. No doubt Javier told many of his customers about her schedule as well. The plan was that Maria would walk into the store, browse the DVDs for a few minutes, and then come to the register. At the register, Javier would give Maria two twenty dollar bills (one for the booth machine and one for her to keep). She would then go to the last booth at the end of the hallway which Javier had marked with a sign that said no men allowed. Once inside the booth, she would put one of the twenty dollar bills into the machine, sit down, and watch whatever she wanted. Twenty dollars in the machine gave exactly thirty minutes of viewing experience. And after the TV turned off, she just had to get up and leave.

The following day, Maria and I headed to the store for her first go at it. She tried to look relatively inconspicuous in sweat pants and a hoodie sweatshirt. When we walked in, there were four guys already inside the store. I noticed one of them was the same guy we had seen when we came by to congratulate Javier previously. I went behind the counter and sat with Javier while Maria walked around. Eventually she came up to the counter too and Javier slipped her a couple twenty dollar bills. Maria thanked him and then headed to the booth. After she got in, one guy went into the booth next to hers and another stood outside.

After a min, he even reached towards her booth door knob and tried to open it. It was locked and he looked disappointed. Javier told me not to worry because it was normal for people to check the doors and sometimes two people try to squeeze in the same booth. The half hour felt like an eternity. Nothing much happened in the store except the guys shuffling between different booths occasionally. One guy came to the register and bought a DVD. He mentioned that Maria was hot and Javier responded by telling him that she comes in at 10pm a few times a week. The customer said he'd have to come back again to try to see her. Finally Maria's time in the booth ran out and she exited the booth and then the store. I followed behind her and we walked back to our apartment. Talking to her, she said it was no big deal and she just watch a dumb porn and played on her phone the entire time.

Maria's visits continued for a couple weeks and Javier said they were very successful. A group of guys would typically come in around 9:45pm and wait around for the chance of seeing her. Javier said it was really helping the business and a lot more people used the booths and bought DVDs. Maria told him we were happy to help and mentioned that it was easy cash for her. The following weekend, Javier shut down the adult store for a couple days to make some repairs and updates. He invited us over and showed Maria that he had upgraded the chair to be much more comfortable in her end booth. While we were in there though, I noticed that Javier had cut holes between all the booths. He apologized and said the holes were requested by a lot of the customers. He said the guys just use them to suck each other off. Javier said he'd double her pay if Maria still continued to come in with the holes. I protested but Maria was intrigued by the money. It was almost as much as she made in her part time job as a waitress. I said the guys would be able to see her through the hole but Maria said it didn't matter because she was just sitting there and not doing anything. She eventually came to an agreement with Javier and they shook on their deal.

The following Monday, Maria and I walked over to the store at 10pm. Maria had become a little more comfortable being seen there and would just wear her normal clothes instead of sweatpants and hoodies. Today she had a t-shirt and jeans. When we got inside, Maria did her usual routine before going to the register and getting cash from Javier. There was only one other customer in the store but as soon as Maria got inside the end booth, the guy darted into the booth right next to her. I looked at Javier but he told me not to worry. He showed me a small window on his computer that was showing a video from inside Maria's booth. It must have been just to the side of the TV because it showed her clearly as well as the hole in the wall. Javier explained that he installed the camera as an extra precaution to make sure Maria was safe but he said it was not legal so I had to keep it completely secret. He said I couldn't even tell Maria. I agreed and felt comforted at first at least knowing that I could keep watch and step in if anything happened.

Watching the video feed, Maria was just sitting in the chair and it looked like the guy was trying to talk to her through the hole. You could see his face partially. There was loud music in the store so we couldn't hear him at the register but he was definitely trying to start a conversation with her. This went on for a couple minutes before we saw Maria respond. Again, we couldn't hear either of them but they were definitely discussing something. Apparently the discussion didn't go well though because the guy abruptly left after Maria said something.

There were no other customers in the store now. Several more minutes went by and both Javier and I were surprised to see Maria spread her legs in her chair and start rubbing her crotch above her jeans. She was obviously a bit turned on by the video or the conversation she just had with the customer. Eventually, she unbuttoned and unzipped the front of her jeans allowing herself to shove her hand fully into her panties. Javier turned to me and made me promise again that we couldn't tell Maria about the camera.

He said she would kill us and I agreed. At this point, another customer came into the store and soon took the booth next to Maria. Maria was unperturbed though and kept masturbating despite this complete stranger being able to see her. He was trying to talk to her too but she ignored him while continuing to rub herself. Minutes later, we saw her body convulse and she was obviously having an orgasm. Her video ended shortly after and she stood up, zipped up her pants, and said something to the guy in the booth next to her before exiting.

I could barely comprehend the fact that Javier and a stranger just watched my girlfriend masturbate as I chased Maria out of the store. I asked her how it went but she just said it was normal. I asked if the guys did anything to her in the booth. She said they looked through the hole at first but then stopped when they saw she wasn't doing anything. It was strangely arousing to hear her lie about her masturbation. I wondered how often she had been masturbating previously before Javier cut the holes or if this was her first time.

The next Wednesday, the store was packed when Maria and I walked in. There were eight or nine customers and some of the booths were already occupied, including the booth next to Maria's at the end. Maria had recently gotten off a work shift and was wearing a button down shirt and a modest skirt. As we entered, all eyes went to her but Maria tried her best to act oblivious. She did her normal routine again before getting the cash from Javier and going into the booth. Once inside, Javier brought up the camera feed and we watched intently. Maria sat down, selected a video, and then got comfortable in her chair. We could see the guy looking through the hole but Maria wasn't talking to him. A few minutes later, Maria surprised Javier and I again by hiking up her skirt and spreading her legs.

Her panties were on full display to us and undoubtedly the guy in the booth next to her. Maria started to rub herself over her panties and looked like she might be moaning a little. After another minute though, we were all startled when the guy in the adjacent booth stuck his erect dick through the hole. Javier and I had our eyes glued on the screen and Maria momentarily stopped touching herself. She inspected his dick for several moments before continuing to touch herself again. We thought that might be it but the guy kept his dick out through the hole and Maria's masturbation became more vigorous.

She was watching his dick the entire time and barely watching the porn video anymore. She soon orgasmed. The guy took his dick back from the hole and it looked like he had given up. He got out of the booth and another guy jumped in. Maria still had another 10min in the booth and she kept rubbing herself while a new stranger watched her. They started talking to each other and I could see Maria responding to his questions. She lifted one leg and placed it on the wall next to the hole which must have given the customer a great view. She also fondled her boob and was really giving the guy a good show. She looked like she was about to cum again but her video then ended. She got up, put herself together, and left the store while dodging a couple customers in her path.

Later that night, Maria said the experience was unremarkable again. She was unaware that Javier and I had seen everything she had done. Her mood was different though. She had a bit more pep and it was obvious that she was enjoying this arrangement. I think in part to get me to quit asking questions, Maria pushed me onto the bed and jumped on top of me. We had the best sex we've maybe ever had and then went to sleep. The next day, Javier knocked on our door. He thanked Maria for her help and said the business was doing great. He had a couple packages of novelty lingerie that he said he couldn't sell because the boxes were damaged. He offered them to Maria as a gift. She accepted the boxes and said they looked quite revealing. Javier then countered that he thought she'd look great in them.

Begging a bit, Javier suggested that he should get to see Maria try them on since he was giving them to her for free. I pushed back but Maria then proposed a compromise that she would let Javier see in her in just one of them. And Maria said I could choose which one. Looking at the two packages, neither was a good option. One had pink booty shorts and tube top that were lacy and completely see through. The other was a black g-string and a bikini top. I reluctantly chose the latter because at least it wasn't see through. Maria went into the bathroom and Javier joined me on the couch with a slight grin. He said Maria was turning out to be quite the slut and I better not do anything to try to stop it.

Javier explained that there is a security video behind the store register and he has tape of me her booth performances that he'd show Maria if I did anything. I nodded not knowing what to say and Maria came back out of the bathroom. She looked incredible. She was a little shy at first but Javier told her she looked great and encouraged her to come in front of the couch. She walked over and stood in front of us. The front of the outfit wasn't too egregious. It maybe just looked like a really sexy bikini. Javier then told her to turn around and Maria showed us her backside. The g-string ran down her lower back and then disappeared between her but cheecks. Maria asked if I liked it and I said yes. Maria was blushing a bit but seemed pleased. She turned back around and thanked Javier. Javier asked if he could take a photo to remember by. I said no but Javier complained that he didn't even get to see Maria in the other outfit. Maria empathized with Javier and asked me if I'd rather him take a photo of her in this outfit or she'd go back in the bathroom and put on the other outfit for him. I acquiesced and told Javier he could take the photo. He then got up and Maria stood in front of the wall. She smiled and then took a couple photos on his phone. Javier then said goodbye and left our apartment still grinning a bit.

A day later, Maria and I headed back to the store. It was Friday night and we could see it was crowded from all the cars out front. Maria wore a long cotton dress that went down to her ankles. After we got in, Maria did her same routine again except Javier gave her an extra twenty dollar bill this time. He asked Maria if she could do a full hour in the booth this time since it was so busy. He said he'd pay her $100 to do it. Maria agreed without any questions and headed straight into her booth. She was choosing which video to watch on the screen when Javier said I should go into the first booth. It was the only booth open at this point. I asked why but he just said I would see. I went quickly because I didn't want to miss any of Maria's video feed. Once inside, I was immediately shocked. Javier had printed the photo of Maria in the black lingerie and posted it in the booth. I assume he had done this in all the booths except Maria's. Below the photo there was a caption saying that her name was Maria and her schedule of coming there on Monday/Wednesday/Friday at 10pm. I ripped the photo down and stomped back to the register. Javier laughed and said it was just a bit of viral marketing for today and he'd take them out at the end of the night. I was close to yelling at Javier but he gestured at the computer screen and said I should pay attention. To my horror, Maria was slipping her dress off over her head and was now just wearing thong panties and a bra. Javier said he put a clothes hook in the booth earlier and he was glad that Maria got the idea. She hung up her dress on the hook and then laid back into the chair.

Maria started touching herself and seconds later a hard dick appeared through the hole next to her. Maria looked at it for a few seconds before deciding to reach out and touch it. Javier jabbed me in the side and exclaimed that my girlfriend was a complete slut. Maria was now slowly jerking the cock back and forth with one hand while rubbing her pussy with her other hand. Less than a minute later, the cock started to cum. Maria was startled at first but continued jerking until he was finished. Javier joked that Maria must be used to guys cumming prematurely. I just stood there motionless watching the screen. The customer who Maria jerked off left and a new one soon took his place in the booth. For the second customer, Maria unhooked her bra and hung it up with her dress. Her boobs were now in plain view and she fondled them and squeezed her nipples for the guy looking through the hole. His face in the hole was replaced by his cock and Maria grabbed it. His cock was bigger than the last guy and he was able to last much longer. Maria's arm got tired and she had to take a break.

The guy removed his dick and said something to her. Maria then pushed the chair into the corner and knelt down in front of the holde. Javier grinned and said that it looks like Maria wants to taste some dick. The cock reappeared and Maria took it into her mouth. She sucked it for five minutes. I was completely speechless and Javier was loving every second. Eventually the guy pulled his dick back. Javier said that the guy was probably cumming inside his booth and said I could clean it up later if I wanted. Maria was looking through the hole so she was obviously curious with whatever he was doing. Moments later he left and Maria got back into her chair. She started masturbating again and a new guy came into the adjacent booth. He just watched through the hole until his video turned off and he was out of money. He exited the booth and left the store. The booth next to Maria was now the only empty booth. Javier turned to me and told me to watch the register. I was perplexed but he said he'd back asap. He then ran back to the booths and jumped into the open one next to Maria's. I was so mad but couldn't do anything about it. Javier didn't want Maria to see his face so he just stuck his dick through the hole. Maria got back on to her knees and started sucking Javier's dick. I was horrified. This continued for over ten minutes before Javier started to cum. Maria continued sucking him, apparently swallowing everything that he spurted into her mouth. He pulled away and I saw Maria wipe off her mouth on camera. Her time was almost up in the booth and she started putting her clothes back on.

Javier jogged back to the register with a huge smile. He sat down next to me and simply said that Maria's mouth felt great. Eventually Maria's time ended and she emerged from the booth. We both left and Javier said great job as we departed. Maria was silent on the walk back and had some guilt apparently. I knew my reaction at this point in time would dictate what happened with Maria going forward. We could seemingly break up or I could find a way to put her at ease with the path she was headed down. She jumped in the shower as soon as we got inside. I came into the bathroom and started talking to her. I acted cool and told Maria that Javier and I had talked a lot while she was in the booth. Maria just listened while washing her hair. I continued by saying that I was wrong about Javier and he was actually a nice guy. I said that I felt bad in retrospect for not letting him see her in the other pink lingerie outfit. This piqued Maria's interest. I said that we should do something to thank Javier since he paid her so much earlier that night in addition to giving her the outfits for free.

Maria agreed but asked what I was proposing. I replied saying that she could put on the pink lingerie and stop by his apartment when he got back from the store. Maria agreed and appeared happy with my proposal. She dried off from the shower and I texted Javier letting him know that Maria would stop by later that night. He just replied with a happy face. Maria put on the pink lingerie and it was 100% see through. You could fully see her boobs, nipples, pussy, everything. She checked herself out in the mirror and asked if I was sure. I said yes and explained that I thought Javier would really appreciate seeing her in his gift. I told Maria that she should make sure Javier knows we're really grateful for everything he was doing for us. Maria smiled while throwing on a robe and heading over to Javier's apartment. I watched out the door as she walked down the hallway and knocked on his door. It opened and Maria walked inside.

Twenty minutes later, Maria returned home. She didn't say anything and we just got into bed together. Laying in bed, I got a text from Javier and it was a picture of Maria in the pink lingerie blowing a kiss to the camera. I'm not sure where our relationship will go from here but I know that Javier has a grip over our lives now. I'm sure Maria will be his in short time.

Bad Bunny - badbunnyb2345@gmail.com




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