Buy Cuckold Traffic and Ads/Links
I have 3 websites that have been online since 2004-2006 that are cuckold related and very targeted to that niche. They are well aged and have visitors who are partial more so to cuckolding than to interracial/wives/milfs etc. (Although those niches do well with this traffic too) ...
Each site has many hundreds of indexed pages, most being handmade. All have unique meta tags. The sites are listed below:
- Cuckold Blog
- Weekly updates are posted on the blog page with each update getting it's own handmade html page (example page) with unique pictures, text and meta tags. To date there are hundreds and hundreds of handmade pages with 50 more being created every year. This site gets about 5000 uniques per day.
- Cuckold Page
- Online since 2004. Most of the pages have either cuckold pictures or stories and have lots of return visitors that like to read them again and again. There is also a forum/post section which has over 2000 cuckold posts submitted to date and is where most of the action on this site is at the moment. This site gets about 3000 uniques per day.
- Free Cuckold Pictures
- This site has over 250 galleries on it and has lots of repeat visitors who are happy to browse the hot, amateur cuckold pictures being submitted by couples from all over the world. An example gallery page is here. This site currently gets 4200 unique visitors per day and is growing steadily.
Traffic is targetted to the following niches: cuckold, amateur, wives/milfs.
Traffic to all sites comes from multiple sources including bookmarks, search engines, social media and some paid spots (blog plugs.)
As of September 2016 the sites in total get around 13,000 unique, targetted cuckold visitors daily. According to analytics the countries that visit most are:

Traffic Packages
Option 1 - Mainpage Link $300/year
Good for one hardlink on this page along the top in yellow. Site has been live since 2006.
Option 2 - Mainpage Link $300/year
Good for one hardlink on this page along the bottom. Site has been live since 2004.
Option 3a - CuckoldVideoClips (Main Site) Blog, Right/Middle Margin HardLink $75/ Year
Option 3b - CuckoldVideoClips (Main Site) Blog, Right/Top Margin HardLink $150/ Year
Option 3c - CuckoldVideoClips (Main Site) Blog, Middle/Left Margin HardLink $200/ Year
Option 3d - CuckoldVideoClips (Main Site) Blog, Top/Left Margin HardLink $400/ Year
All of the option 3 packages are for one hardlink in different margin areas of the blog main page ONLY (the flagship site) and will be placed under the various headings you see above. The price of each spot takes into account how high up the links are on the page and how much traffic they tend to get. Links are only posted on the main blog page and NOT the archived blogpages.
This package will typically bring in about 5-50 hits per day depending on the location.
Option 4 - Story Section Right Margin Link $250/ 1 Year
This package is for one hardlink on the left hand margin of the post page and will be placed under the "Menu" heading. Links are posted on the main post page and ALSO on the archived story pages. To date there are 2748+ stories posted by members
This package will typically bring in about 30-50 hits per day.
Contact or Order
To contact me or to place an order please use the email addres below.

** I do not offer blog posts at this time.
*** I would prefer ads that fit the niche but will accept a wide variety. If you have any specific requests let's talk. What I will not accept is/are:
- Pop-ups.
- Malaware Ads or anything that involves installing anything on the user's computer.
- Borderline illegal content.
- Ads that involve violence or are too aggressive.
Aside from that anything goes.